Lauren Attersley
Digital Marketing Specialist with a Talent for Elevating Brands in the Social Sphere
Lauren joined Myra Media to manage media deployment on behalf of our clients. She has helped to guide the award-winning social media programs of several of our clients.
After graduating with a bachelor’s degree in international studies specializing in global communications, Lauren sought to specialize in her native strengths for communications and marketing. She honed her skills at a marketing firm in Madrid, Spain before returning home to Canada.
Over the pandemic, Lauren upgraded her skills by gaining a digital marketing degree online from the Digital Marketing Institute and taught herself HTML and CSS for website editing. She recognizes that while a majority of society has moved online, marketing needs to change to reflect that.
She served as marketing director for Ampersand, an international consulting network, and brought Ampersand into Myra Media as a client upon joining the firm.
By blending her knowledge of technology and marketing, Lauren’s primary goal for our clients is to ensure they fulfill their brand potential. She currently resides in Halifax, Nova Scotia where she works onsite and virtually as a vital member of the Mrya Media team.
Check out Lauren through the years...